Advising Pastor

My greatest privilege and delight is that of what John says— “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth.” (3rd John 4). There is no greater truth than the Word of God and the truth of Jesus found within. As a pastor of this very dear flock my great responsibility is to feed the flock the truth found in God’s Word. Such truth ought always to lead us to fix our eyes upon Jesus. Pray for me and us in that we might “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever.”
I’ve been privileged to grow up and continue under pastors who were committed to the solid feeding of God’s flock. The three pastor’s who have had the greatest influence upon me are Chuck Smith, Chuck Swindoll and foremost my dear brother Jon. As a young man, they all had influence upon me, and they continue to do so. I still glean greatly from their solid, uncompromised, teaching of the Word. All three have demonstrated that the greatest gift a pastor can give to the church is the consistent, solid feeding of God’s Word to God’s people.
I thank my God who has allowed me the great joy of over three decades of marriage to my lovely wife. Julie loves the Lord and has been faithfully and lovingly by my side as an encourager and example. We’ve had the privilege of serving together in the unique locations of Papua New Guinea, rural Mexico and here in Oregon. In each realizing the wonderful grace of God. He has blessed us with three kids, their spouses and six grandchildren. Truly God is good!