Pastor Morris Ogenga

Pastor Morris Ogenga is the Head Pastor of the Mbale Presbyterian Bible Church of East Africa, where he has been serving for 36 years. As the Bishop of the Presbytery, Pastor Morris has responsibility over all the Presbyterian Bible churches in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Pastor Morris was trained at the All Nations Bible College in Kampala and was responsible for planting his church in Mbale, Uganda.

Over the last 31 years, Pastor Morris has led an effort to evangelize not only his own community but he has been responsible for the planting of 134 new churches, in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. This work was done in partnership with Global Missions Fellowship, African Christian Training Institute, and over thirty different partner churches throughout the USA. Through his God given vision, these church plants have permanent buildings and pastor’s houses adjacent to the churches. Pastor Morris has arranged for the church planting teams to participate in mini-crusades at over 200 local schools, as well as arranging multiple youth, women’s, and pastor’s conferences. Thousands of pastors and leaders have been trained in evangelism and leadership. Tens of thousands have trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, including many pastors, as a result of his obedience to the Lord.

Aidah Ogenga, Pastor Morris’ wife of 41 years, leads women’s bible studies and is the coordinator for children’s ministry (Awana) at many of the area churches. She organizes and participates in large women’s conferences in Uganda, Kenya, and Burundi. Morris and Aida have three children.

Pastor Morris is highly respected by all who have worked with him including hundreds of short term missionaries who have partnered with him over the last 31 years.

Here are a few links to the ministries Pastor Morris and Aida have played an important role in starting:


