Study Guide 14:19-31

Link to the message: John 14:19-31

  • What stood out to you about the message or passage of Scripture?
  • Did the Scripture or the message spark any questions?
  • What did you learn that you can apply to your life?

Additional questions as time allows (you might decide to ask only one or two of these, or ask your own questions as the Spirit leads):

  • vv.19-23 – How is our love for Jesus, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and our obedience to His will all related? (See also John 13:34-35)
  • vv.25-36 – What is the role of the Holy Spirit that Jesus tells His disciples about in this text? How might these aspects of the Spirit’s ministry have helped the disciples at this time? How has the Spirit worked in this way in your life?
  • vv.27-31 – How did Jesus model submission and love? How can we apply this in our lives?
  • How is the peace that Jesus offers different than the peace we tend to expect in this world through agreements, information, and relationships?
  • What examples of Jesus’ peace can you testify to in your own life?






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